8 Compelling Reasons to Visit Canada

There’s no shortage of great destinations to visit around the world. Indeed, that’s what makes being a traveller so much fun. There’ll always be somewhere new and exciting to visit! But some destinations shine a little brighter than the rest, and are well worth placing near the top of your bucket list. Canada is one such destination. No one ever forgets the first time they visit Canada — in fact, no one ever forgets any trip they take to Canada, no matter how many times they’ve been before.

In this blog, we’re going to look at a few great reasons why you should consider making Canada your next trip. By the end of the blog, you might just be looking into flights!

Plenty to Explore

It’s difficult to comprehend the scale of Canada. It is huge. It’s large from east to west, from north to south, and that means that there’s a lot that to explore. Indeed, one of the reasons why people go again and again is because it’s impossible to see everything all in one trip.

By and large, people stick to the southern part of Canada. Nearly 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the American border. There are some places to see further north, but it’s tricky – you’ll have to choose between the east or west part. Both have their advantages! But don’t worry about it too much, if you go west on this trip, then you can go east on the next trip. Simple!

Rideau Canal in Ottawa

Easy Logistics

There are plenty of far-flung places where you’ll need to get a visa if you want to visit. While there are some people that do require a visa to visit Canada, if you’re from Europe, then you won’t be one of them.

They’ve made it pretty straightforward to enter the country for British nationals. You just need to get an eTA, which you can learn about at https://canada-eta.com. Once you’ve got it, you’ll simply be able to present your passport and pass through – you’ll be allowed to stay in the country for up to six months. 

Beautiful Nature

The world is a beautiful place, and the nature that you’ll find in Canada plays a big role in the earth getting that status! There’s beautiful natural landscapes all over the country, but especially out west. If you take a trip to Banff National Park, then you’ll have a chance to view the incomparable Lake Louise, which is just about the most stunning lake that you can imagine.

Canadian Rockies

Further west, you’ll have the scenery surrounding Vancouver, and then there’s Vancouver Island, which is simply majestic. The beauty of the country is enough to convince anyone of the power of the great outdoors! So make sure you pack some hiking boots so you can see it up close and first hand. 

Wildlife Galore

It’s not just the trees and mountains that suck people into Canada. It’s the wildlife, too. If you’re living in Europe, then you’ll have to deal with the sad reality that we just don’t have as much wildlife as we’d like to have, for various reasons. But Canada most definitely does not have that problem. They’ve got plenty!

If you put yourself in the right places and have a pinch of luck, then you’ll be able to see wildlife that others can only dream of. For instance, there are grizzly bears, whales, bald eagles, and even polar bears – though you’ll need to go far north to see those guys.

Polar Bears in Canada
Polar Bears in Churchill

Outdoor Activities

We’ve already spoken about the many outdoor places that are simply a joy to observe. But you don’t just have to look at the scenery. You can also dive in and enjoy activities in it. Canada is a paradise for outdoor adventurers, with some of the world’s best cycling, hiking, and skiing spots. Indeed, there’s so much of all these things that there’s somewhere for everyone – it doesn’t matter whether you’re a beginner or a pro.

If you want to push yourself, then try one of the multi-day hiking trails. There’s nothing better than hiking all day, setting up camp, and then waking up the next day, knowing that you get to do it all over again. If you’ve got a sense of adventure, then you can go again and again!

In the Cities

It’s not just the natural world that attracts people to Canada. It’s easy to forget, but Canada also has some pretty world-class cities! The two most famous ones are Toronto and Vancouver. There’s a bit of a rivalry between the two cities, but in truth, they’re too different to be comparable. If you like cities built in the New York style, then Toronto will be the way to go. If you like laid back, west-coast cities, then Vancouver will be the best choice. Montreal and Quebec also receive rave reviews from visitors too.

Toronto skyline in Canada

All the Seasons

As we said earlier, one of the fun aspects of Canada is that you can visit again and again and never get bored. It’s also true that you could visit multiple times in one year, and have a different experience each time. Why? Because Canada has seasons (not all across the country, but largely). If you’re going in winter, then you’ll be able to enjoy all the thrills of a snowy season. If you’re visiting in summer, then you’ll get to live the summer dream. You’re able to craft your experience based on what you want, just by thinking about which time of year you’re going to visit.

Friendly People

Finally, we have to mention the people. We can’t talk about visiting Canada without talking about how friendly and nice the people are! They are extremely nice, sometimes to a disconcerting degree. But it’s not false – they’re as real as it gets. If you’re lost, then people will help you. If you travel by yourself, then people will be happy to talk to you in a bar. They’re just nice people that make visiting all the more enjoyable.

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